Guy’s newsletter: bean counting & leek pulling


The Riverford Blog

Like life, walking a crop is a subjective experience where you can always find something to worry about; something that could have been done better. Whether I focus on the pigeon-pecked, aphid ridden stunted plants or the vigorous healthy ones, how the veg appears can be as much to do with my mood as their relative numbers in the field; but I’ve learned that it’s always a good idea to take a second look before getting too excited or depressed. Having said that, seeing the new crops being harvested for your boxes this week, it looks like we have made a good start to the new season. I might even risk a smile.

But will those smiles be turned to beans in the bank? Our Finance Director Steve, who has been so good at giving me the answer to this for the last seven years, is leaving us this summer…

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